David Frost

David Frost is one of the co-founders the LfL Network at the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education. His research focuses on teacher leadership and for the last 25 years he has developed strategies to support teachers as agents of change playing key roles in the creation and transfer of professional knowledge. He is currently Programmes Director for the HertsCam Network and, in 2008, launched the International Teacher Leadership initiative with partners in 15 countries around the world. He is currently a member of the Kazakhstan education reform team. He is also a Fellow and Tutor at Wolfson College, Cambridge.
Last week I was fortunate in being able to participate in a conference on the island of Krk on the Croatian coast. The best part was linking up with colleagues from NGOs in places such as Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Macedonia and Palestine – all quite challenging contexts. It...
Not waiting for superman, by David FrostThe study Teacher Self-efficacy, Voice and Leadership, commissioned by Education International Research Institute, comes at the time when teaching profession is increasingly facing pressures from society and policy makers and we need to reaffirm the role and potential of teachers in leading educational change.