
Cooperation Projects

Current Cooperation Projects

  1. India

    Work No Child's Business (India)

    2019 - 2024
    AIPTF is implementing activities against child labour in selected areas in 3 States/regions (Bihar, Rajasthan, Delhi Capital Region), through local State affiliates, in partnership with the following alliance partners: Save the Children India; MVFoundation; ICCO India; ARISA; Manjari ARAVALI; Fakirana Sisters; Nav Jagritti.
    Work No Child's Business (India)
  2. Tanzania

    Social dialogue and quality education in Zanzibar

    2022 - 2025
    The project cooperation began in 2003. The current phase of the project began in January 2022 and will run until 2025. The annual project budget of 16,000 € (120,000 DKK) is primarily financed by Danida through the LO/FTF Council.
    Social dialogue and quality education in Zanzibar
  3. Senegal

    Lutte contre la privatisation et la marchandisation de l’éducation au Sénégal

    2021 - 2023
  4. Ghana, Sierra Leone

    Education Workforce Initiative

    2018 - 2023
    The project was intended to develop the capacity of the unions to engage with the Education Workforce Initiative of the UN Education Commission whose aim was to develop concrete options for policymakers to diversify, expand, and strengthen the education workforce to meet the changing demands of the 21st century and...
    Education Workforce Initiative