Colegio de Profesores de Chile
CPChttp://www.colegiodeprofesores.cl [email protected] tel: +56 (2) 470.42.00 tel: +56 (2) 470.42.55 fax: +56 (2) 470.42.90Casilla 2223 Moneda 2394 con Bulnes Santiago -
Federación Nacional de Asociaciones de Académicos de Universidades Estatales
FAUECH9170124 Santiago de Chile -
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores N°2 de Integra
SINDI2http://www.trabajadoresdeintegra.cl [email protected] tel: +56 (2) 697.17.33 tel: +56 (2) 695.11.89 fax: +56 (2) 697.17.33Alameda 1302 Oficina 70, 7° piso Santiago
Asociación Sindical de Profesores Universitarios
ASPUhttp://www.aspucol.org [email protected] tel: +57 tel: +57 fax: +57 44 45-67 Bloque B-3 Nivel 7 Unidad Camilo Torres Universidad Nacional de Colombia Bogotá -
Federación Colombiana de Educadores
FECODECarrera 13A No. 34-54 Santafe de Bogotá D.C.
Fédération des Travailleurs de la Science, des Sports, de l'Enseignement, de l'Information et de la Culture
FETRASSEICB.P. 108 Brazzaville
Cook Islands
Cook Islands Teachers Union
CITUP.O. Box 97 Rarotonga
Costa Rica
Asociación Nacional de Educadores y Educadoras
ANDEAv. 5, Calle 0-2 2938Apartado San José -
Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Educación Costarricense
SEChttp://www.seccr.com [email protected] tel: +506 2 283.53.60 tel: +506 2 281.04.17 fax: +506 2 283.70.79200m este de la Iglesia de Lourdes, Montes de Oca Apartado 6534 1000 San José
Croatian Teachers' Union
CTUhttp://www.shu.hr [email protected] tel: +385 (1) 485.57.22 tel: +385 (1) 485.57.24 fax: +385 (1) 485.57.22Trg Republike Hrvatske 4/2 10 000 Zagreb -
Independent Trade Union of Workers in Secondary Education of Croatia
ITUWEChttp://www.nszssh.hr [email protected] tel: +385 (1) 485.57.98 tel: +385 (1) 485.57.24 fax: +385 (1) 485.57.23Trg Republike Hrvatske 4/II 10000 Zagreb -
Independent Union of Research and Higher Education Employees of Croatia
IURHEECUlica Florijana Andrašeca 18A / VI kat 10 000 Zagreb -
Trade Union of Workers in Pre-School Education of Croatia
TUWPSEChttp://www.srpooh.hr/ [email protected] tel: +385 1 4855 714 tel: +385 (1) 485.57.95 fax: +385 75 802 641Trg. Marsala Tita 4 1000 Zagreb
Sindikato di Trahado den Edukashon na Korsou
SITEKhttp://www.sitek.an [email protected] tel: +599 tel: +599 fax: +599 Box 3545 Landhuis Steenen Koraal
Association of Teachers of Technical Education Cyprus
OLTEKChrysanthou Mylona 7 2014 Strovolos, Nicosia -
Cyprus Greek Teachers' Organisation
POED184, Kyrenias Str. 2112 Nicosia -
Cyprus Turkish Secondary Education Teachers' Union
KTOEOShttp://www.ktoeos.org [email protected] tel: +90 tel: +90 fax: +90 Parla Sokak, 5 through Mersin 10 (Turkey) Nicosia -
Cyprus Turkish Teachers' Trade Union
KTÖShttp://www.ktos.org [email protected] tel: +90 tel: +90 fax: +90, Sair Nedim Street-Cascade Nicosia -
Eastern Mediterranean University Union of Academic Staff
DAÜ-SENhttp://www.dausen.org [email protected] tel: +90 tel: +90 fax: +90 Mediterranean University Mechanical Engineering / Ground Floor Via Mersin 10 (Turkey) Famagusta -
Organisation of Secondary School Teachers of Cyprus
OELMEKhttp://www.oelmek.com.cy [email protected] tel: +357 (22) 37.84.80 tel: +357 (22) 37.95.90 fax: +357 (22) 37.94.30P.O. box 28917 2084 Nicosia
Czech Republic
Czech and Moravian Trade Union of Workers in Education
ČMOS-PSSenovážné náměstí 23, 110 00 Prague 1
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Centrale de l’Education Nationale et de la Recherche Scientifique
CSC-EnseignementB.P. 3107 Kinshasa-Gombe -
Fédération nationale des enseignants du Congo
FENECO-UNTCB.P. 8814 Kinshasa 1 -
Syndicat des Enseignants du Congo
SYECOB.P. 14611 1 Kinshasa
Danish Union of Teachers
DLFVandkunsten 12 1467 Copenhagen K -
Dansk Magisterforening
DMPeter Bangs Vej 30 DK-2000 Frederiksberg -
Gymnasieskolernes Laererforening
GLVesterbrogade 16 1620 Copenhagen V -
The Danish Union of Early Childhood and Youth Educators
BUPLSundkrogskaj 20 2100 Copenhagen -
Union of Education Denmark
UEDNorre Farimagsgade 15 1364 København K
Syndicat des professeurs des collèges et lycées de Djibouti
SYNESEDB.P. 2811 Djibouti
Dominica Association of Teachers
DATP.O. Box 341 7 Boyd's Avenue Roseau
Dominican Republic
Asociación Dominicana de Profesores
ADPCalle Cervantes No. 57 Santo Domingo Gazcue -
Asociación Nacional de Profesionales y Técnicos de la Educación
ANPROTEDCalle Alberto Peguero No. 113 Ensanches Miraflores Santo Domingo
Unión Nacional de Educadores
UNEhttps://une.org.ec [email protected] tel: +593 (2) 252.76.66 tel: +593 (2) 250.42.26 fax: +593 (2) 252.76.66Ascazubi E3-20 entre 9 de Octubre y Av. 10 de Agosto 593 Quito
Egyptian Teachers Syndicate
Independent Teachers Union of Egypt
ISTTHadayek Al-quba 81 Badre street near Nokrashi secondary school Cairo
El Salvador
Asociación Nacional de Educadores Salvadoreños 21 DE JUNIO
ANDES4a Calle Oriente No. 620 San Salvador
Teachers' Association of Eritrea
TAEhttps://notfound [email protected] tel: +291 (1) 12.55.44 tel: +291 (1) 12.79.91 fax: +291 (1) 12.55.44P.O. Box 954 Asmara