Bodo Busch

Born in 1958, Bodo studied computer science and mathematics at Aachen Technical University, where he co-founded a gay students’ group that still exists today. After his studies, he was a consultant and trainer for Works Councils ( Betriebsrat in German, an elected body representing workers in the company, entitled to participate in decisions related to working conditions) concerning new technologies and an activist for LGBTI rights in the public services union.
From 2007 to 2017, he worked as a math teacher at a vocational college for design in Cologne. This is when he joined the Education and Sciences Union GEW and their gay teachers’ group. Since 2012, Bodo participates in the GEW national LGBTI workgroup / Queer Committee, and is a member of the leading team since 2018.
LGBTI rights in the workplace are human rights and therefore a genuine union issue. The conditions and ways to defend them are very different around the globe. For the German Education & Sciences Union (GEW), the path started from grassroots groups after a reform of the penal code in 1972...
From “private affairs” to a statutory Queer Committee in the union