Zeynep Clulow

Zeynep Clulow is a Research Associate at the Energy Policy Research Group in the Judge Business School, University of Cambridge. Her research investigates public attitudes towards energy technologies, with a focus on negative emission technologies and practices (NETPs). She has published on the influence of political ideology on public attitudes towards fossil fuel, renewable and carbon capture and storage-based energy technologies and socio-economic challenges associated with different NETPs. She was a consultant on the BEIS COP26 Visions Project and co-authored the project report on just transition in the UK. Zeynep is experienced in designing and analysing public surveys for investigating stakeholder towards energy and the environment. She has assisted the Cambridge Centre for Climate Repair develop a proposal for studying how smart heat-pumps could be used to decarbonise old housing stock in the UK. She has published in leading academic journals including Global Environmental Change, Climate Policy, Sustainability, Energy & Environmental Science and the Journal of Political Ideologies.
Around the world, companies, NGOs, policymakers, academics and national publics are increasingly calling on governments to phase-out fossil fuel subsidies (FS) - measures that support the consumption and production of natural gas, coal and oil – as a vital step for combatting climate change and building a more just and...
Fossil fuel subsidies and educational performanceThis policy brief explores the fossil fuels-education relationship by combining the most comprehensive recent data on fossil fuels from the IMF fossil fuel database with educational performance and potential confounding factors from the World Bank World Development Indicators databases, resulting in a dataset of 1651 observations after omitting country-years with...