Anthony Dowling

Anthony Dowling is a 28 English teacher working in Collinstown Park Community College in Dublin (Ireland). He started teaching in 2012 when he began his PDE in Dublin City University. He is the New Entrants Officer for his union’s (Teachers Union of Ireland, TUI) branch (Dublin and Dun Laoghaire). He is originally from Co. Meath and in his free time, he enjoys watching a variety of sports and playing Gaelic Football.
If you are passing through Glasnevin Cemetery on the outskirts of Dublin City Centre, you may come across the noticeable yet simple gravestone of James Larkin. Engraved on it is ‘James Larkin 1876-1947, The Labour Leader’. Larkin’s Gravestone may be simple but the legacy he left behind is much more...
#youngteachers “I owe my union activism to my students”, by Anthony Dowling (TUI, Ireland).