Jacques Taty Mwakupemba

Jacques Taty is national coordinator at the Fédération nationale des enseignants du Congo(FENECO-UNTC), where he is responsible for research and development.
The Online Union Academy [Académie Syndicale en Ligne, ASL] project set up by the Congo National Federation of Teachers and Social Educators (FENECO/UNTC) is part of the capacity-building activities of unions working in the education sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Primary, Secondary and Technical Education; Higher and University...
An online union academy made in the Democratic Republic of CongoWhat value will the certificates and qualifications awarded to graduating students and pupils by the Congolese state at the end of this year ultimately have? On 10 August, the Congolese ministry for primary, secondary and technical education opened schools, but only for pupils and students in graduating years, to prepare...
What value should we place on qualifications in the COVID-19 era? by Jacques Taty.