

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 November 2012

    Andreas Schleicher: You must emulate and innovate to keep pace

    The nature of education has moved on in high-performing nations; it's time the UK moved on too, says Andreas Schleicher, Deputy Director for Education and Special Advisor on Education Policy to the OECD's Secretary-General.

    Andreas Schleicher: You must emulate and innovate to keep pace
  2. Union renewal and development 16 November 2012

    Global Agreements and Protect, Respect, Remedy

    International Framework Agreements or Global Framework Agreements have expanded in number and have evolved considerably in recent decades. Too often, they have been examined in isolation from the larger picture of multinational enterprises, not only concerning other forms of social dialogue and trade union organising, bargaining, and campaigning priorities, but...

    Global Agreements and Protect, Respect, Remedy
  3. Standards and working conditions 16 November 2012

    France: teachers – the embodiment of a public education service

    National education provision in France is tripartite: the public service, which educates 84 per cent of pupils/students; private provision under contract with the State; and the private sector not under contract. Formal schooling, developed from the late 19th century, was secular in inspiration. The early educators embodied the vision of...

    France: teachers – the embodiment of a public education service
  4. Standards and working conditions 16 November 2012

    France: a profession in search of confidence

    The education system has become a topic in French political discourse these last six months: with the Presidential election, consultations on the status of the education system in a society in crisis, it is the future of generations to come that is at stake when education is broached. The economic...

    France: a profession in search of confidence
  5. Standards and working conditions 16 November 2012

    France: the much-needed relaunch of secondary education

    The start of the 2012 school year, prepared mainly by the former administration (the Sarkozy government) has been a difficult one for secondary schools, owing to a lack of resources and the job cuts of recent years.

    France: the much-needed relaunch of secondary education
  6. Standards and working conditions 16 November 2012

    France: Is the long-eroded status of teachers about to improve?

    The status of teachers has been severely eroded in France over the last 10 years. This erosion accelerated noticeably during the Presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy. Instead of being considered a necessary investment for society, the education system was presented as a costly burden.

    France: Is the long-eroded status of teachers about to improve?
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 November 2012

    Teachers training and quality education in Africa

    This article will discuss the characteristics of a profession in the context of the teaching service and challenges which teachers may face in their endeavour to develop and maintain reputable organisations and professional members. It will also explore the strategies which teachers and education stakeholders may use in advocating for...

    Teachers training and quality education in Africa
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 November 2012

    Kenya: educators’ union tackling the teacher deprofessionalisation issue

    The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) is a teachers’ trade union founded in December 1957 during a conference held in a local school in Nairobi. Its constitution was ratified in 1958 and registered in 1959. It has a membership ranging between 180,000 to 240,000 teachers drawn mainly from primary,...

    Kenya: educators’ union tackling the teacher deprofessionalisation issue
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 November 2012

    Niger: Evaluating pupils and teachers to achieve quality education

    Education is the bedrock of social development, a subject that has always been of concern to society. This concern is shared at both the family and community level and on a much wider scale, as can be seen from the holding of major conferences such as those in Jomtien and...

    Niger: Evaluating pupils and teachers to achieve quality education
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 November 2012

    North American educators show great solidarity in times of crisis

    The teaching profession has undoubtedly suffered as a result of the onset of the 2008 economic recession that still hovers above the heads of educational professionals around the world today. Teachers’ salaries have been cut or frozen, teaching hours have increased in several countries without added pay, collective-bargaining rights have...

    North American educators show great solidarity in times of crisis
  11. Standards and working conditions 13 November 2012

    Ghana: Realising the aspiration of young teachers in unity

    One of greatest difficulties of any voluntary organisation is how to sustain the interest of its members and retain them in the organisation. It is globally recognised that in order to keep the membership of any organisation at its peak, there is the need to keep up and vary the...

    Ghana: Realising the aspiration of young teachers in unity
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 November 2012

    Building international solidarity through development cooperation among Higher Education Unions

    There is a popular Ghanaian saying, “All fingers are not equal”. Indeed, some are stronger than others, some are longer than others, and some are efficient than others. At certain times, however, they collaborate to overcome difficult challenges.

    Building international solidarity through development cooperation among Higher Education Unions
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 November 2012

    The retreat of the government from Higher Education: the Italian case

    In the recent OECD report, Education at Glance 2012, a number of indicators clearly show the critical state of education in Italy. This country invests less than two per cent of its GDP in higher education and research, its graduate numbers are falling, as is the number of its researchers...

    The retreat of the government from Higher Education: the Italian case
  14. Standards and working conditions 24 October 2012

    International organisations celebrate teachers

    Representatives of EI, the BTC-Belgian Development Agency, the International Task Force on Teachers for Education for All (EFA), UNESCO and the European Commission held a joint event on 11 October in Brussels, Belgium. They celebrated this year’s World Teachers’ Day (WTD), under the theme “Take a stand for teachers.”

    International organisations celebrate teachers
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 October 2012

    Susan Hopgood: The Main Challenges Facing Teachers

    Speech delivered by Susan Hopgood (President, Education International) at the Every Child Needs a Teacher launch event, co-hosted by Education International and the Global Campaign for Education, 24 September 2012.

    Susan Hopgood: The Main Challenges Facing Teachers
  16. Standards and working conditions 5 October 2012

    Interview with David Edwards, Education International’s Deputy General Secretary

    On the occasion of World Teachers' Day, the Deputy General Secretary of Education International, David Edwards highlighted for ACTRAV INFO the main challenges faced by workers in the education sector. In this interview, he explains also the role of social dialogue and international labour standards as well as Education International’...

    Interview with David Edwards, Education International’s Deputy General Secretary