
North America-Carribean

  1. Union renewal and development 19 February 2019

    North America-Caribbean

    North America-Caribbean

    North America-Caribbean
  2. Union renewal and development 24 September 2018

    North America-Caribbean

    North America-Caribbean

    North America-Caribbean
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 July 2018

    "The world is with you": EI General Secretary, David Edwards addresses delegates of the National Education Association

    EI General Secretary, David Edwards addressed the Representative Assembly of the National Education Association (NEA), the top decision-making body for the more than 3-million member union, the largest in the United States.

    "The world is with you": EI General Secretary, David Edwards addresses delegates of the National Education Association
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 March 2018

    Passing of outstanding Canadian education unionist

    Education International is sad to learn of the passing of Donald C. Savage, an inspiring educator and committed union leader. He was 85.

    Passing of outstanding Canadian education unionist
  5. Union renewal and development 25 April 2017

    North America-Caribbean

    North America-Caribbean's report

    North America-Caribbean