
gender stereotypes

  1. Equity and inclusion 28 March 2019

    UNCSW63’s positive outcomes for women’s human rights to social protection systems, quality public services, including education, and sustainable infrastructure

    The women workers’ delegation, including education unionists, welcomes the Agreed Conclusions of the 63rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women, which includes positive language on education and social protection systems.

    UNCSW63’s positive outcomes for women’s human rights to social protection systems, quality public services, including education, and sustainable infrastructure
  2. Union growth 14 March 2019

    Stop gender-based violence in the world of work!

    Union women and feminist allies take the campaign for the adoption of an International Labour Organisation’s Convention to the 63rd Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women.

    Stop gender-based violence in the world of work!
  3. Union growth 13 March 2019

    The #CSW63 Diaries

    Michelle Codrington-Rogers

    Michelle Codrington-Rogers, Junior Vice-President of the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT)/UK, is currently an EI delegate to the 63rd Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW63). Follow the event through the eyes of teacher unionist on her blog. (https://mcn--nasuwt.blogspot.com/?m=1)

    The #CSW63 Diaries
  4. Equity and inclusion 8 March 2019

    International Women’s Day: education unionists push for the adoption of a binding Convention and Recommendation on violence against women and men in the world of work

    To mark this year’s International Women’s Day, Education International and its member organisations recognise women’s contributions to the worlds’ societies, celebrate their achievements, renew their commitment to advancing gender equality within unions, in education and in society, and urge governments worldwide to adopt a binding Convention and Recommendation on Violence...

    International Women’s Day: education unionists push for the adoption of a binding Convention and Recommendation on violence against women and men in the world of work
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 March 2019

    #IWD2019 #Education Voices: “Educating Girls Matters: How You Can Help Change the World”, by Kayce Freed Jennings

    Kayce Freed Jennings

    This is true: educating girls will change the world. We know that. So why, then, are there still 130 million girls out of school and what can we do about it? What can you, as educators, do about it? What can your students do?

    #IWD2019 #Education Voices: “Educating Girls Matters: How You Can Help Change the World”, by Kayce Freed Jennings
  6. Fighting the commercialisation of education 13 December 2018

    Philippines: union leaders united around gender equality and improving campaign capacities

    The annual evaluation and planning meeting of the Philippines’s women’s network bringing together Education International’s affiliates in this country has taken stock of gender and diversity issues and reinforced the education unions’ capacities and advocacy skills.

    Philippines: union leaders united around gender equality and improving campaign capacities
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 27 June 2018

    Chile: educators stand up against sexism, harassment, abuse and discrimination in education

    Thousands of Chilean educators, students and activists have reaffirmed their support to building a new education system, that is non-sexist and free of violence, abuse and discrimination. Education unionists mobilise to fight gender violence in the classroom

    Chile: educators stand up against sexism, harassment, abuse and discrimination in education
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 16 March 2018

    CSW 62: education trade unionists push for achievement of gender equality and empowerment of rural women and girls

    Participants from Education International’s member organisations were among the over 100 trade unionists from 42 countries at the 62nd Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, which got underway in New York on 12 March.

    CSW 62: education trade unionists push for achievement of gender equality and empowerment of rural women and girls
  9. Equity and inclusion 9 March 2018

    #8March: The issue of gender in Moroccan education

    Fatima Echaabi

    The notion of gender equality and the concept of gender have been concerns for human rights, and women’s rights activists in particular, throughout the post-colonial era.

    #8March: The issue of gender in Moroccan education
  10. Future of work in education 6 March 2018

    Algerian unions work towards increased gender equality

    Algerian education unions are working with Education International to address gender equality issues in their unions as part of a capacity development programme.

    Algerian unions work towards increased gender equality
  11. Equity and inclusion 7 February 2018

    EI World Women's Conference: Finding a way through the labyrinth

    Tools and strategies to help women reach leadership positions in the different educational sectors were the focus on the second day of Education International’s third World Women’s Conference.

    EI World Women's Conference: Finding a way through the labyrinth
  12. Equity and inclusion 3 January 2018

    Germany: Students need role models of both genders

    The German education union, Verband Bildung und Erziehung, has reiterated the crucial importance of role models from both genders for school students.

    Germany: Students need role models of both genders
  13. Leading the profession 12 December 2017

    #WDR2018 Reality Check #7: “The Gender Dimension in the World Bank’s Perception”, by Nelly Stromquist

    Nelly P. Stromquist

    With the production of a World Development Report focused on education, the World Bank makes a decisive claim to its authority in education policy. Given an introductory section acknowledging 119 “researchers and specialists across the world” who provided “feedback and suggestions” for the report (WDR 2018 hereafter), it would seem...

    #WDR2018 Reality Check #7: “The Gender Dimension in the World Bank’s Perception”, by Nelly Stromquist
  14. Equity and inclusion 28 September 2017

    Curriculum, Textbooks and Gender Stereotypes: The case of Pakistan

    Haleema Masud

    Education holds the power to form the understanding, attitudes and the behaviour of individuals. It is used as a tool for the promotion of national identities and can enhance the privilege of certain groups in the society (Smith, 1991), including men’s power over women. Gender roles and inequalities are reproduced,...

    Curriculum, Textbooks and Gender Stereotypes: The case of Pakistan