
school drop-out

  1. Equity and inclusion 4 December 2017

    "The Role of Prescription Glasses for Students, and for Reducing School drop-out in Morocco" by Nahas Hamida

    Nahas Hamida

    Apart from fighting for the demands and the interests of education workers in Morocco, the National Education Union (FDT) also fights to improve the public schools through its engagement with government policies in the field of education and training.

    "The Role of Prescription Glasses for Students, and for Reducing School drop-out in Morocco" by Nahas Hamida
  2. Union growth 15 November 2005

    Zimbabwe: Hunger Causing Pupils to Drop Out of School

    Teachers' organisations have expressed concern over the increasing number of school children who are dropping out of school because of hunger. Some pupils are passing out during lessons because of hunger, after going for days without a proper meal.

    Zimbabwe: Hunger Causing Pupils to Drop Out of School