
  1. Democracy 21 August 2024

    Education Voices | Georgiy Trukhanov, Laureate of the 2024 Fred van Leeuwen Democracy Award

    Georgiy Trukhanov

    At Education International’s 10th World Congress, Georgiy Trukhanov was awarded the 2024 Fred van Leeuwen Democracy Award. In this interview, Georgiy looks back on his experience as a union leader defending democracy in wartime.

    Education Voices | Georgiy Trukhanov, Laureate of the 2024 Fred van Leeuwen Democracy Award
  2. Democracy 20 August 2024

    Global union movement rallies in support of the world’s educators

    Teachers and education support personnel are the cornerstone of a sustainable, equitable, peaceful, and democratic future for all communities worldwide. This was the message delivered by top global union leaders at the 10th World Congress of Education International (EI) held in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

    Global union movement rallies in support of the world’s educators
  3. Equity and inclusion 19 August 2024

    Education Voices | Arlene Inouye, Laureate of the 2024 Albert Shanker Education Award

    Arlene Inouye

    At Education International’s 10th World Congress, Arlene Inouye was awarded the 2024 Albert Shanker Education Award. In this article, Arlene looks back on her journey as a union activist, advocating for the rights of Asians and Pacific Islanders in education and society.

    Education Voices | Arlene Inouye, Laureate of the 2024 Albert Shanker Education Award
  4. Leading the profession 19 August 2024

    Celebrating the champions of global education trade unionism

    The 10th World Congress of Education International (EI) honored the Distinguished Associates—those remarkable representatives of member organizations who have significantly propelled the development of EI. This recognition is a testament to the tireless efforts and unwavering dedication of these individuals in asserting their humanist convictions and striving for peace, justice,...

    Celebrating the champions of global education trade unionism
  5. Equity and inclusion 13 August 2024

    Education Voices | Laures Park, Laureate of the 2024 Mary Hatwood Futrell Human and Trade Union Rights Award

    Laures Park

    At Education International’s 10th World Congress, Laures Park was awarded the 2024 Mary Hatwood Futrell Human and Trade Union Rights Award. In this interview, Laures retraces her fight for the rights of Māori people and minority groups in New Zealand.

    Education Voices | Laures Park, Laureate of the 2024 Mary Hatwood Futrell Human and Trade Union Rights Award
  6. Equity and inclusion 12 August 2024

    Education International’s 10th World Congress makes a strong call for peace

    Education union leaders meeting in Buenos Aires for the 10th Education International World Congress have adopted several resolutions in solidarity with educators and students affected by war and armed conflict and that call for the protection of schools as safe sanctuaries. Unionists also highlighted the role of education in building...

    Education International’s 10th World Congress makes a strong call for peace
  7. Leading the profession 3 August 2024

    The new leadership of Education International ready to lead

    After a week of intense debate and exchange among the 1,200 participants of the 10th World Congress of Education International, the new Executive Board held its first session in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

    The new leadership of Education International ready to lead
  8. Education International's 10th World Congress 2 August 2024

    Mugwena Maluleke to represent the world’s educators as Education International’s new President

    Dr. Mugwena Maluleke, a teacher, unionist, and social justice activist, has been elected as the new President of Education International. Dr. Maluleke was elected by delegates from around the world during the 10thEI World Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and assumes this role following an influential tenure as General Secretary...

    Mugwena Maluleke to represent the world’s educators as Education International’s new President
  9. Climate action and literacy 1 August 2024

    Education unions redouble efforts to ensure quality climate education and a just transition for all

    Educators around the world are standing up for the planet and for their students. The Teach for the Planet campaign was in the spotlight at Education International’s 10th World Congress taking place in Buenos Aires from 26 July to 2 August. Education unionists met to exchange best practices on climate...

    Education unions redouble efforts to ensure quality climate education and a just transition for all
  10. Leading the profession 1 August 2024

    Education International honors champions of education, human and trade union rights and democracy

    In a world where the value of education and the pillars of human rights and democracy are increasingly under attack, Education International (EI) stands firm in its commitment to recognize and celebrate those who have dedicated their lives to these causes. On August 1st 2024, during its World Congress themed...

    Education International honors champions of education, human and trade union rights and democracy
  11. Education International's 10th World Congress 1 August 2024

    The recommendations of the High-Level Panel, a roadmap for the trade union struggle

    Education unions are joining forces to tackle the global teacher shortage and its causes, which include low pay, excessive workloads and declining working conditions. On 30 July, at the 10th World Congress of Education International in Buenos Aires, Argentina, delegates from education unions from all continents came together in a...

    The recommendations of the High-Level Panel, a roadmap for the trade union struggle
  12. Standards and working conditions 31 July 2024

    The world’s educators demand urgent action to tackle the global teacher shortage

    Teachers and Education Support Personnel around the world are overworked, underpaid, and undervalued. Deteriorating working conditions, low salaries, overwhelming workloads, and stifling bureaucracy are pushing teachers out of the profession they love and that the world needs.

    The world’s educators demand urgent action to tackle the global teacher shortage
  13. Leading the profession 31 July 2024

    Education unionists mobilize for greater influence and membership growth

    In the face of evolving educational landscapes and the ever-present need for robust representation, education unionists are spearheading a dynamic movement to consolidate their influence and expand their membership. This initiative, particularly focused on engaging young educators and women, was the centerpiece of a pivotal breakout session titled “Organizing for...

    Education unionists mobilize for greater influence and membership growth
  14. Leading the profession 31 July 2024

    Trade unions rally against far-right nationalism and mobilize for rights and gender equality

    Education trade unions worldwide are advocating for fully funded, inclusive public education systems to counter the rising tide of far-right nationalism and authoritarianism. This urgent plea was made during a breakout session titled “Mobilizing for Rights and Gender Equality in the Face of Far-Right Nationalism and Authoritarianism,” held on July...

    Trade unions rally against far-right nationalism and mobilize for rights and gender equality
  15. Leading the profession 31 July 2024

    Global movement to defend education support personnel rights builds power across borders

    Building power as a global movement to defend Education Support Personnel (ESP) rights and status was top of the agenda at the breakout session titled “Defending ESP rights: Organising against funding shortfalls and privatisation” and held on July 30th 2024, during the 10th World Congress of Education International (EI). In...

    Global movement to defend education support personnel rights builds power across borders
  16. Education International's 10th World Congress 30 July 2024

    Educators' well-being in focus at EI’s 10th World Congress

    A top priority for Education International

    Teacher and education support personnel well-being is vital for quality education. Education International (EI) is dedicated to addressing issue, prominently featured at EI’s 10th World Congress taking place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 29 July to 2 August. The Congress highlighted the importance of educators' well-being and the urgent need...

    Educators' well-being in focus at EI’s 10th World Congress
  17. Leading the profession 29 July 2024

    A call to action: Transforming education in a post-pandemic world

    In a powerful address at the Education International 10th World Congress , Susan Hopgood, President of Education International, highlighted the urgent need to fully fund public education and support the teaching profession in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    A call to action: Transforming education in a post-pandemic world
  18. Education International's 10th World Congress 29 July 2024

    Building a sustainable future: Insights from the President of Education International at the World Congress

    As the President of Education International(EI), Susan Hopgood approaches the World Congress with a mixture of hope and determination. She emphasises the EI's pivotal role in shaping a sustainable future and addressing global challenges through public education. Despite a world facing conflict, climate change, economic instability, and attacks on democracy,...

    Building a sustainable future: Insights from the President of Education International at the World Congress