
Education International
Education International

Zimbabwe: Solidarity with teachers and trade unionists

published 23 May 2008 updated 23 May 2008

Teachers and human and trade union rights activists worldwide are invited to support their colleagues in Zimbabwe by responding to the EI Urgent Action Appeal. So far, over a dozen teacher unions have condemned the violations of basic human and trade union rights against teachers.

Trade unions from United Kingdom, Sweden, Canada, Argentina, Hong Kong and Côte d’Ivoire, among others, have urged the authorities of Zimbabwe to ensure, in all circumstances, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as the physical integrity of all citizens.

Since the launch of the EI Urgent Appeal on 16 May, trade union leaders of the Progressive Teachers’ Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) and the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) have been released. Raymond Majongwe, General Secretary of the PTUZ was released on 17 May shortly after his arrest. No charges were levelled against him; however he needs to report to the police regularly. ZTUC President Lovemore Motombo and Secretary General Wellington Chibebe have been released on bail on 19 May. The two are barred from addressing any political gathering whilst the matter is pending.

EI continues to monitor the situation in Zimbabwe.