
Education International
Education International

Ukraine: union protests reach a tipping point

published 30 June 2015 updated 1 July 2015

Thousands of education workers plan to take to the streets in protest in the wake of unresolved labour violations by the Ukrainian government and employers following months of increasing tensions across multiple sectors.

In support of demands, members of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine joined Ukrainian trade unions in ongoing demonstrations. Education workers are calling for an increase in effective social dialogue between employers and workers. They are also, among other things, demanding an increase in minimum wage and indexation of pensions.

The Ukrainian government and employers have consistently avoided trade union proposals concerning the use of peaceful social dialogue principles to identify problems at workplaces and find effective solutions. Ukrainian trade unions oppose the governmental policy of “tightening belts,” which has significantly affected the livelihood of the everyday worker in the Ukraine. The policy implemented wage freezes, reduced social guarantees, increased the prices of vital goods on housing and communal services, and not allowed any real social or economic reform to occur.

National Labour Dispute

The Trade Unions’ Joint Representative Body (TU JRB) entered into a national labour dispute with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Employers’ Joint Representative Body in April 2015. This was closely followed by a rally on 15 June, in which the TU JRB presented a Labour Ultimatum to the government on behalf of eight million trade union members. The Labour Ultimatum listed concrete demands and legislative proposals.

A Conciliation Commission was established due to the ongoing labour disputes. The Conciliation Commission met on 16 and 24 June, and the next meeting is scheduled for 2 July 2015. The Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine is represented in the Conciliation Commission by Vice President Serhiy Romaniuk.