
Resolution on peace and an end to violence

published 25 July 2007 updated 31 March 2017

The fifth World Congress of the Education International, meeting in Berlin from 22 to 26 July 2007

1. Has analysed with concern the increase in wars and armed conflicts affecting various regions and countries, including some in developed countries.

2. Appreciates the efforts of the International Community and particularly organised civil society, in which trade union organisations have a considerable presence, to put an end to the said armed conflicts and wars.

3. Observes with concern that deplorably since the previous World Congress (July 2004) the intensity of the violence in some countries far from diminishing has increased.

4. Emphatically affirms that only through dialogue will the much desired Peace be obtained.

5. Reiterates that in situations of armed conflict or war, schools must be protected and considered to be areas of peace.

6. Denounces the enormous cost in human lives and the waste of resources which ought to be channelled towards the more urgent needs of Humanity, as a consequence of the blind logic of war or violence.


7. To call upon the governments and armed groups involved to follow the path of dialogue in order to put an end to the violence affecting their countries.

8. To demand that governments and parliaments draw up and apply laws and provisions contributing towards the elimination of the phenomena of armed violence.

9. Similarly, to demand training programmes for peaceful coexistence and the exercise of democracy and citizenship.

10. To urge its affiliated organisations to redouble their efforts, along with the organisations of civil society, in favour of the peaceful resolution of conflicts.

11. To urge EI to argue for the drafting of a Declaration of human obligations to assist in resolving the social questions of the 21st century.

It should contain the following principles:

a. The obligation to a culture of non-violence and deep respect for all life;

b. The obligation to a culture of solidarity and a fair economic world order;

c. The obligation to a culture of tolerance and a life in truthfulness;

d. The obligation to a culture of equality and partnership between woman and man.