Cape Verde: We stand for safe schools!
Following a serious incident in a school, the Federaçao Caboverdiana dos Professores (FECAP), Education International’s member organisation in Cape Verde, has expressed deep concern and reiterated its rejection of all violence in educational settings against teachers, education support personnel or students.
On March 20th , a teacher and union leader was attacked at his workplace in the capital city Praia, the aggression being followed by a death threat over the telephone, FECAP General Secretary and member of Education International’s Africa Regional Committee, Abraão Borges, reported.

“An attack against a teacher is an attack against the educational system,” he underlined, adding that “our union opposes any kind of harassment, any kind of violence, verbal or physical. A situation like this must not occur in Cape Verde or anywhere else in the world.”
FECAP also asked public authorities for the reinforcement of the programme Safe Schools ( Escola Segura).