28 July 2001 Resolution on Education and New Technology
Resolution on Education and New Technology -
28 July 2001 Resolution on the Status of Higher Education Personnel
Resolution on the Status of Higher Education Personnel -
28 July 2001 Resolution on the Situation of Colombian Educators
Resolution on the Situation of Colombian Educators -
28 July 2001 Resolution on the Situation in Burma
Resolution on the Situation in Burma -
28 July 2001 Resolution on the Situation in Algeria
Resolution on the Situation in Algeria -
28 July 2001 Resolution on Solidarity with SUTEP and the Peruvian People for having defeated the dictatorship of Fujimori and Montesinos
Resolution on Solidarity with SUTEP and the Peruvian People for having defeated the dictatorship of Fujimori and Montesinos -
28 July 2001 Resolution on Partnerships to Achieve Education For All
Resolution on Partnerships to Achieve Education For All -
28 July 2001 Resolution on the Transnational Provision of Higher Education
Resolution on the Transnational Provision of Higher Education -
28 July 2001 Resolution on Trafficking in Women, Girls and Boys
Resolution on Trafficking in Women, Girls and Boys -
28 July 2001 Resolution on the Revision of the Distortion of History in Japanese Textbooks
Resolution on the Revision of the Distortion of History in Japanese Textbooks -
28 July 2001 Resolution on Solidarity with the Teachers Affected by the Earthquake in South Peru
Resolution on Solidarity with the Teachers Affected by the Earthquake in South Peru -
28 July 2001 Resolution on Educating in a global economy
Resolution on Educating in a global economy -
28 July 2001 Resolution on Gender Perspective in Development Cooperation
Resolution on Gender Perspective in Development Cooperation -
28 July 2001 Resolution on the Situation in Nepal
Resolution on the Situation in Nepal -
28 July 2001 Resolution on the Situation in Palestine
Resolution on the Situation in Palestine -
28 July 2001 Resolution on the Imprisonment of Education Trade Union Leaders in Korea
Resolution on the Imprisonment of Education Trade Union Leaders in Korea -
28 July 2001 Resolution on Higher Education and Research Policy
Resolution on Higher Education and Research Policy -
28 July 2001 EI Declaration on Professional Ethics
EI Declaration on Professional Ethics