
Gideon Bulwani

Gideon Bulwani is qualified in Organisation Development and has provided consulting support to the Government of Zambia for many years. In recent years, he has worked with the Zambia National Union of Teachers (ZNTU), supported by BUPL, the Danish Union of Early Childhood and Youth Educators, and the Centre for Universal Education at Brookings Institute on measuring the breadth of learning in primary schools in Zambia.

Written by Gideon Bulwani

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 22 April 2022

    The impact of IMF policies on the public service wage bill in Zambia

    Gideon Bulwani

    There is sufficient evidence to suggest that the International Monetary Fund austerity measures have the potential to negatively affect Zambian ability to attain SDG 4. It is a paradox that the global system encourages investment in access to quality education for all, while putting obstacles along the path to the...

    The impact of IMF policies on the public service wage bill in Zambia