Go public! Fund education 2 July 2024 Go Public! G7 milestone achieved by Education International and member solidarity
Education International (EI), alongside member organisations from G7 countries, sent a powerful message about the fundamental role of education unions and social dialogue ahead of the G7 Italy 2024 Ministerial meeting on Education.
Go Public! G7 milestone achieved by Education International and member solidarity -
Go public! Fund education 28 June 2024 Fund education: An urgent appeal to the G7
Call to the G7 Italy 2024 Ministerial meeting on Education
Education International supports the following statement released ahead of the G7 Italy 2024 Ministerial meeting on Education, following an initiative of Federazione Lavoratori della Conoscenza (FLC-CGIL), concerned by the exclusion of education unions from this important convening:
Fund education: An urgent appeal to the G7 -
Democracy 12 October 2021 The attack on the CGIL in Italy is an assault on democracy
Education International condemns the assault by neo-fascist groups on the CGIL union headquarters.
David Edwards, General Secretary of Education International, the global federation of teachers and education workers, expressed his outrage after the headquarters of the Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro (CGIL), the largest union confederation in Italy, was ransacked by neo-fascists.
The attack on the CGIL in Italy is an assault on democracy -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 June 2021 G7 leaders commit to support girls’ education but fall short on financing the promise
During last weekend’s meeting, G7 leaders announced their support for theGirls’ Education Declaration and committed to addressing the setbacks brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, financial commitments announced for the Global Partnership for Education are below the amount needed to ensure the most vulnerable have access to education.
G7 leaders commit to support girls’ education but fall short on financing the promise -
Union growth 6 April 2021 Europe: Study on industrial relations and privatisation
A study for the ETUCE, EI’s European region, showed the impact of market ideology and management practices and privatisation on industrial relations and social dialogue. In addition to looking at the evolution of EU policy in the past decade, researchers studied different methods and results of industrial relations in Francophone...
Europe: Study on industrial relations and privatisation -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 June 2020 “COVID-19 crisis: the education situation in Italy”, by Rossella Benedetti.
Rossella Benedetti
In Italy, the first COVID-19 cases were discovered at the end of January. It was another month before the spread of the virus forced us to suspend face-to-face lessons. At the beginning of March, teachers, in lockdown at home, began distance teaching, while administrative, technical and cleaning staff still had...
“COVID-19 crisis: the education situation in Italy”, by Rossella Benedetti.
CISL-S [email protected] tel: +39 (06) 58.31.11 tel: +39 (06) fax: +39 (06) 588.17.13Via Angelo Bargoni 8 00153 RomaFederazione Lavoratori della Conoscenza CGIL
FLC-CGILVia Leopoldo Serra 31 00153 RomaUIL Scuola Rua
UIL-S [email protected] tel: +39 (06) 784.69.429 tel: +39 (06) 78.46.941 fax: +39 (06) 784.28.58Salita S.Nicola da Tolentino 1b 00187 Roma