madeleine kennedy macfoy

Madeleine kennedy macfoy is a Coordinator at Education International, she is in charge of Gender related issues.
Gender-based violence in and around schools poses big challenges to education unions and their members. Because everyone in and around schools – teachers, students, education support personnel - can be both perpetrator and victim of such violence, school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) is a violation of both the right to quality...
#16dayscampaign | “When teachers’ unions take action, schools become safer for everyone”, by madeleine kennedy-macfoy (EI) and Rex Fyles (Gender at Work).Examples of the work done by Education International and its member organisations in different parts of the world since the Beijing Platform for Action was adopted in 1995, demonstrate the power of taking collective action to find collective solutions.
Beijing +25: "Making the Promise of Beijing a Reality for Learners and for Education Sector Workers."2020 is an auspicious year for women’s rights: the world will look back on what was agreed twenty-five years ago at the 4th UN World Conference on Women in Beijing, China. The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action is widely viewed as ‘the world’s most progressive blue-print’ on the rights...
Beijing +25: ‘There is Only Collective Action for a Collective Solution’