Alanah Torralba

Alanah Torralba is a Filipino climate justice campaigner who specialises in international policymaking. She was a former climate journalist in the Philippines, where she reported on extreme weather events, the impacts of climate change on the public health of indigenous peoples, and multilateral climate policy negotiations. She has a master’s degree in Political Science and is currently based in Barcelona, Spain.
Every year, despite recording ‘hottest ever’ temperatures, the world consumes more fossil fuels than ever before. Consequently, climate disasters also continue to rise in frequency and intensity. In 2022, for instance, a third of Pakistan’s land mass was under water for several months following record monsoon rains and melting glaciers...
Towards a Just Transition in Education: A Strategic Guide on Fossil Fuel Divestment for Education UnionsAmidst intensifying climate change impacts, demanding the phaseout of fossil fuels and the acceleration of a just and rapid transition into a low-carbon economy are urgent political tasks. For educators and their unions, a critical step is consolidating a fossil fuel divestment campaign that targets not just the disentanglement of...
Educators are on the frontlines of climate change: every day, they are contending with the worst consequences of changes to the world’s climate. From extreme hurricanes and storms to massive flooding, prolonged droughts, severe heatwaves, and sinking islands, climate change is already altering the education sector in indirect yet profound...
COP 26, shorthand for the 26th Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), was touted as the most important climate summit since the Paris Agreement was established in 2015. Owing both to mounting public pressure and the disruption caused by the Covid 19 pandemic,...
COP 26 key outcomes: Why is this important for education unionists?Activists and the private sector are clashing over ‘net zero’ and carbon markets at COP 26 in Glasgow, Scotland. At the crucial climate talks, activists such as Greta Thunberg slammed the recent announcement of UN finance ambassador Mark Carney that more than 450 financial institutions under the banner Glasgow Financial...
COP 26 dispatch: Net-zero, carbon markets and quality climate educationCOP 26, slated as the most important climate summit since the Paris Agreement was forged in 2015, kicked off in Glasgow, Scotland last Monday with a series of statements from high-level actors, ranging from heads of state, business leaders, activists, and prominent media personalities.
COP26 dispatch: Global leaders meet at COP26 as the world demands urgent climate actionAfter a one-year delay due to the coronavirus pandemic, world leaders, negotiators, civil society representatives and key stakeholders will be convening for the UN climate talks in Glasgow, Scotland from October 31 to November 12. The two-week conference aims to mobilise urgently needed climate action in order to meet the...
Seven things to know about COP 26: A quick guide for education unionistsWe can still avoid the worst consequences of climate change if we start making critical changes today. This is where teachers can make a difference: by educating students and their communities about the pathways to a more livable and equitable future.