Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 October 2018 UK: Education union concerns remain after reform to the framework of the school inspection
Following the admission by the Chief Inspector of the school inspection agency Ofsted that focus on data has been a major factor in schools becoming exam factories, UK teacher unions have reiterated their views that the focus put on data has achieved the opposite of what the agency intended, namely...
UK: Education union concerns remain after reform to the framework of the school inspection -
Standards and working conditions 10 October 2018 Unions act to secure tax justice to secure workers’ rights
Addressing tax avoidance by multinational companies was the focus of trade unions from all over the world at a recent seminar.
Unions act to secure tax justice to secure workers’ rights -
Standards and working conditions 10 October 2018 Education International raises professional issues with global experts
Education International raised a wide range of issues related to the status of teachers with the Joint ILO-UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of Recommendations concerning Teaching Personnel.
Education International raises professional issues with global experts -
Future of work in education 5 October 2018 “World Teachers’ Day: Between Recognition and Reward”, by Nelly P. Stromquist
Teacher’s Day (usually in singular) is celebrated in many countries, a testimony to the importance with which teaching is perceived by those who benefited from knowledgeable and caring teachers. Teaching, in fact, has been identified by many as one of the most influential jobs in the world. Different countries have...
“World Teachers’ Day: Between Recognition and Reward”, by Nelly P. Stromquist -
Standards and working conditions 4 October 2018 On World Teachers’ Day, new report highlights urgent need to improve education
A lack of qualified teachers and poor working conditions for teaches worldwide are highlighted in a report released by Education International to mark World Teachers’ Day (5 October).
On World Teachers’ Day, new report highlights urgent need to improve education -
Standards and working conditions 3 October 2018 “The Global Status of teachers and the Teaching Profession”, by David Edwards
David Edwards
World Teachers Day is an ideal moment to reflect on the status of the world’s teachers. Today, Education International will release its triennial report on this very issue. Education is at the centre of improvements to living standards and quality of life, yet we now increasingly face pressures and threats...
“The Global Status of teachers and the Teaching Profession”, by David Edwards -
Union growth 28 September 2018 Burundi: Despite the crisis, STEB has been able to develop the skills of new union leaders
The Syndicat Libre des Travailleurs de l'Enseignement du Burundi (STEB) has been able to train 360 new union leaders throughout the country with financial support from Education International.
Burundi: Despite the crisis, STEB has been able to develop the skills of new union leaders -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 September 2018 Iraq: New residential neighbourhood for teachers secured by union
Land for teachers’ housing has been made available in the Kalar district of Iraq, thanks to the efforts of the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union.
Iraq: New residential neighbourhood for teachers secured by union -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 September 2018 Francophone education unions, the driving force of democracy, the guardians of public education and union solidarity
At the 16th Meeting of the Comité Syndical Francophone de l’Education et de la Formation (Francophone Trade Union Committee for Education and Training), the Education International General Secretary, David Edwards, called on all French-speaking affiliates to defend democracy, human rights and trade union rights, to fight privatisation, and to strive...
Francophone education unions, the driving force of democracy, the guardians of public education and union solidarity -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 21 September 2018 EI calls on ILO and governments to improve working conditions in tertiary education
The necessity to improve terms and conditions of employment in tertiary education, and in particular, to limit the alarming increase in precarious work in the sector was at the heart of debates at the International Labour Organisation’s Global Dialogue Forum on Employment Terms and Conditions in Tertiary Education.
EI calls on ILO and governments to improve working conditions in tertiary education -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 September 2018 Building education unions’ capacity for social and policy dialogue in Uganda and Malawi
In September, Education International’s workshops aiming to improve education quality through stronger social and policy dialogue in the education sector were held in Uganda and Malawi.
Building education unions’ capacity for social and policy dialogue in Uganda and Malawi -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 September 2018 France: education is no longer a priority for the government
The French education unions have criticised the announcement made by Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer regarding a cut of 1,800 teaching positions in secondary education in the 2019 budget, despite larger numbers of students being accepted.
France: education is no longer a priority for the government -
Standards and working conditions 14 September 2018 UK: Employers misuse data rules to stifle workers’ rights
Some employers in the UK are discriminating against employees and undermining education unions after the adoption of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations). That’s according to the NASUWT (National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers).
UK: Employers misuse data rules to stifle workers’ rights -
Trade union rights are human rights 12 September 2018 Netherlands: Red is still the colour of primary education!
The Dutch educators’ Code Red action demanding decent salaries and a normal workload, and urging the government to clearly and firmly address burn-out and a shortage of teachers in primary education has continued with a strike covering South Western regions of the country.
Netherlands: Red is still the colour of primary education! -
Equity and inclusion 11 September 2018 Education at a Glance: Big data can help union advocacy
The relationship between education and equity is the focus of this year’s ‘Education at a Glance’ (EAG) report.
Education at a Glance: Big data can help union advocacy -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 6 September 2018 #EI25: "And if those who are absent were …. right, at times?", by Daniel B. Lafrenière
Daniel B. Lafrenière
There is an old French adage that says “les absents ont toujours tort,” which means that those who are absent are always in the wrong (or always get the blame). But what if they were right after all under certain circumstances? This seems to be the case in the field...
#EI25: "And if those who are absent were …. right, at times?", by Daniel B. Lafrenière -
Standards and working conditions 5 September 2018 Africa: Professional development key to boosting teaching profession
The challenges facing teachers and the need for professional development, an improved status of teachers, and international teaching standards were highlighted by education stakeholders in South Africa recently.
Africa: Professional development key to boosting teaching profession -
Union growth 3 September 2018 Caribbean education unions’ young teacher training for a bright future for teachers and education
Education International has assisted a fruitful workshop for Southern Caribbean’s young teacher unionists to enable sustainable and strong education unions promoting quality education in the region.
Caribbean education unions’ young teacher training for a bright future for teachers and education