Cooperation Projects
Showing 74 Projects Filtered by:
Education personnel:
Burkina Faso
Book development and promotion of literacy in underprivileged schools
- Professional development
- View project details to see all implementing organizations
- Australia: AEU
- Education International - Africa EIRAF
Projet de mobilisation en vue d’accroître la représentativité syndicale au Burkina Faso
- Organizing, recruiting
- Canada: CSQ
- Germany: GEW
La résilience de la femme enseignante face au défi sécuritaire au Burkina Faso
- Professional development
- Health and safety in schools
- Democracy, human rights
- Gender and inclusion
- Children rights, child labour
- Burkina Faso: SNESS
- Canada: CTF/FCE
Formation syndicale et pédagogique
- Professional development
- Trade union rights
- Gender and inclusion
- Union renewal
- Organizing, recruiting
- Burkina Faso: SNEAB
- Canada: CTF/FCE
Tournées de sensibilisation dans les régions du Burkina Faso
- Professional development
- Gender and inclusion
- Union renewal
- Organizing, recruiting
- Burkina Faso: SNEAB
- Canada: CTF/FCE, CSQ
EI Africa SRGBV project 2023-2024
- Gender and inclusion
- View project details to see all implementing organizations
- United States of America: NEA
Book development and promotion of literacy in underprivileged schools
- Professional development
- View project details to see all implementing organizations
- Australia: AEU
- Education International - Africa EIRAF
Social dialogue and quality education in Burundi
- Trade union rights
- Social dialogue
- Organizing, recruiting
- Communication
- Burundi: STEB
- Denmark: DLF, LO-FTF Council
Social dialogue and quality education in East Africa
- Privatization and commercialization
- Professional development
- Trade union rights
- Social dialogue
- Communication
- Burundi: STEB
- Kenya: KNUT
- Rwanda: SYNEDUC
- Tanzania: TTU, ZATU
- Uganda: UNATU
- Federation of East African Teachers’ Unions FEATU
- Denmark: DLF, LO-FTF Council
Renforcement du syndicat et initiatives pour le dialogue social dans le secteur privé d'éducation
- Professional standards, status of teachers
- Health and safety in schools
- Trade union rights
- Social dialogue
- Organizing, recruiting
- Communication
- Cameroon: SYNTESPRIC
- Education International EI
EI Africa SRGBV project 2023-2024
- Gender and inclusion
- View project details to see all implementing organizations
- United States of America: NEA
La remobilisation des militants et le renforcement de leurs capacités au Bénin
- Climate action, environment
- Professional development
- Trade union rights
- Gender and inclusion
- Young members
- Union renewal
- Organizing, recruiting
- Canada: CTF/FCE
- Benin: SNEP-Bénin
Cercles d'étude au Tchad
- Privatization and commercialization
- Climate action, environment
- Professional standards, status of teachers
- Health and safety in schools
- Trade union rights
- Social dialogue
- Democracy, human rights
- Gender and inclusion
- Young members
- Children rights, child labour
- Union renewal
- Organizing, recruiting
- Chad: SET
- Canada: CSQ
Social and Policy Dialogue (Chad)
- Social dialogue
- Chad: SET
- Norway: UEN
EI Africa SRGBV project 2023-2024
- Gender and inclusion
- View project details to see all implementing organizations
- United States of America: NEA