
Education International
Education International

EI Welcomes ESIB Name Change to European Student Union (ESU)

published 21 May 2007 updated 21 May 2007

EI and ESIB (The National Unions of Students in Europe) signed a partnership agreement in 2004 to work together on promoting the joint interests of higher education staff and students. At its last board meeting last week, ESIB changed its name to ESU (European Student Union).

ESIB was founded in 1982, initially as WESIB (The Western European Students’ Information Bureau). The progressive change in name is concomitant with a progressive change in the role of this European student organisation – from its initial informative function to the present day perception of this organisation as representative of the European Student Movement. ESU launched their new name on 17th May, at the first day of the Bologna Process Ministerial Meeting in London.

EI warmly welcomes this name change, signifying the work of ESU as a union, with which EI looks forward to collaborating further with in the future.