
Education International
Education International

New EI website showcases educators' contributions to development cooperation projects worldwide

published 23 January 2008 updated 24 March 2011

Education International has launched a website to showcase the many contributions that education trade unions are making to development cooperation projects around the world.

The EI Development Cooperation website provides the visitor with an overview of the projects EI member organisations are conducting through mutual cooperation, to not only further the cause of teacher organisations in every country, but also to promote peace, democracy, social justice and equality around the world. All projects are carried out through partnerships formed by teacher unions and coordinated through EI. They aim to empower teacher unions to be independent, autonomous and democratic, in order to effectively represent, defend and promote the interests of their members and the quality of education. A major feature of the new website is the Project Database which contains the details of all the projects carried out by EI member organisations. Visitors to the site are able to search for a project by date, host country, region and theme. As an integrated component of the EI Web Portal, projects carried out in a country are also automatically displayed in the relevant country profile on the website of the EI Barometer. Education International’s Barometer of Human and Trade Union Rights provides the most comprehensive report yet of the state of human and labour rights and the provision of quality education in countries around the world. This connection enables the visitor to get a comprehensive picture of not only the projects carried out in this country, but the whole educational and social situation within the country as well. Other sections on the EI Development Cooperation website include:

  • Policy, which provides an overview of EI’s guidelines in the field of development cooperation
  • News, keeping member organisations abreast of new developments
  • Calendar informing member organisations of upcoming events and activities
  • Library listing important publications, resolutions and policy papers

Individuals can also sign up on the new website to receive the Development Cooperation Bulletin by email. For more information, please visit the development cooperation website today: http://www.ei-ie.org/developmentcooperation.