
Education International
Education International

Key Challenges for Public Education

published 19 November 2008 updated 19 November 2008

Education International is organising a conference titled “Governance, Financing, Evaluation and Climate Change – Key Challenges for Public Education” for its affiliates in the OECD countries.

The conference, which will take place in Åre in Sweden on December 2-4, is the 8th in a series of conferences of this type organised by EI since 1996. It provides EI affiliates with good opportunities to exchange information and opinions about the latest developments in the work undertaken by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

The conference will concentrate on themes such as Climate Change, School leadership, various measurements of educational learning outcomes such as PISA and the newly proposed Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes, as well as the overall impact the OECD has on national education policy. In the light of the financial crisis there will also be a session discussing the crisis impact on education and the possibilities for educators and EI to curb negative developments. The financial crisis also has links to and impacts on issues related to Public/Private Partnerships and privatisation of education and this will also be discussed during the conference.

A series of parallel workshops on the following themes will be run: 1. PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), 2. TALIS (Teaching and Learning International Survey) 3. AHELO (Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes) 4. Teacher appraisal, evaluation and performance related pay 5. Efficiency in education – Cost saving or loss making 6. Learning outcomes measured – Why, how and by whom?

The working languages of this conference are English and French.