
Education International
Education International

EI Staff come together to mobilise for Quality Education!

published 24 June 2013 updated 28 June 2013

The annual meeting of the EI regional coordinators with head office staff, which was held last week in Brussels, was dominated by the new Mobilising for Quality Education initiative. All of those present received a detailed briefing on the aims and objectives of the initiative and on the plans for the formal launch of the initiative, simultaneously in New York and in Paris, in late September. A formal invitation to the launch has been issued to member organisations.

The staff participated in preparations for the year-long campaign by developing appropriate messages for promoting various objectives of the campaign. The messages, and the supporting material which was produced, will be made available to member organisations later in the year to assist them in promoting quality education at national level.

The regional staff reported on developments in their region since their 2012 meeting, referring in particular to the direct and indirect impact of the economic crisis on the provision of education services throughout the world.

The heavy emphasis of certain intergovernmental organisations and private foundations on increasing the private provision of education services came in for much criticism. The hypocrisy of certain organisations and individuals who accept that education is a human right and a public good but advocate the provision of education services through commercial means was highlighted.

Concern was expressed about the failure to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and the need to ensure that Education was a significant element of the post-2015 Development Agenda.

Speaking at the meeting, Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary, commended the staff for their diligent and committed work for the organisation. He pointed out that the coming year would be one of the most challenging ever, because EI had decided to undertake the MQE initiative. Staff, especially at regional level, would be central to ensuring the effectiveness of the initiative in reaching members of member organisations throughout the world. He said that ‘’EI can only mobilise millions of teachers and other education workers in support of quality education with the active participation of member organisations’’.