
Education International
Education International

Iceland: the 10 key messages turned into a strategy for actions

published 5 March 2014 updated 10 March 2014

The Icelandic teachers’ union, KÍ, has transformed the 10 key messages adopted by the ETUCE Committee on ‘What is Needed to Improve the Quality of Education in Europe?’ to a core topic to be diffused and discussed at many occasions and to be addressed to all targets in society.

The need to inform the general public, trade union members and politicians has led to several strategies for action. Members are informed about the need for quality of education through e-mail newsletters and memo, and the use of media ensures the reaching of the general public as well as politicians.

Eventually, an advocacy activity towards relevant policy makers, Financial and Education Ministers and Ministries and representatives of local governments and their central organisations, is also carried out to enhance Quality of Education in Iceland and Europe.