
Education International
Education International

Publication des résultats du Projet TIC

published 25 March 2014 updated 26 March 2014

Les résultats du projet du CSEE intitulé «Les syndicats d’enseignants luttent contre l’abandon scolaire prématuré par l’utilisation des Technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) dans l’éducation » ont été diffusés la semaine dernière.

The CD-ROMs include the case study reports in five languages, the project dissemination postcards in 26 languages, the workshop and closing conference reports in English and French as well as the speakers’ presentations from these events and the final project brochure (including a poster). Most important, the brochure contains the Draft Practical Guidelines on How to Prevent ESL through ICT in Education. The brochure and poster are available in 10 languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Danish, Greek, Slovak, Portuguese and Russian. Member organisations and stakeholders in education are invited to use these materials and disseminate them amongst their affiliates.

In the ICT&ESL project, four countries were visited by an ETUCE advisory group for case studies. The aim was to gather experiences on how to use ICT in education to prevent early school leaving. Teachers, students, school management and educational staff were interviewed in schools and teacher training institutions in Denmark, The Netherlands, Portugal, and Azerbaijan. The results were gathered and analysed in a research report. During a workshop and a final conference, practical guidelines on how to prevent ESL through ICT in educationweredeveloped and discussed. The guidelines will be presented to the ETUCE committee on 14 -15 April for approval.

To find out more about the project and its results, please visit: http://www.elfe-eu.net/