
Education International
Education International

North America and Caribbean

published 26 September 2016 updated 3 January 2017

Workshop on gender equality issues in francophone Caribbean

A workshop was organised for EI’s francophone affiliates in the Caribbean in early August in Port au Prince, Haïti. It was attended by participants from the Fédération Nationale des Travailleurs en Education et en Culture, the Konfederasyon Nasyonal Anseyan Dayiti, the Syndicat des Personnels de l'Education en Guadeloupe and the Union Nationale des Normaliens/Normaliennes et Educateurs/Educatrices d’Haïti. The workshop offered participants a safe space to share experiences as women in their unions and in their countries’ education systems. It updated participants on EI’s equality structures, policies and priority programmatic areas with regards to gender equality. And it identified priority areas of work on gender equality in the participating unions, and the most constructive ways that EI can support such work. The workshop was facilitated by madeleine kennedy-macfoy.