
In Germany, education union GEW mobilised against racism

published 24 March 2017 updated 24 March 2017

For many years, the education trade union Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) has been supporting the " Internationale Wochen gegen Rassismus" (International Weeks against Racism), by calling local members to take action.

This year, the initiative is taking place between 13 and 26 March, with more than 80 supportive organisations and the following slogan: "100 Prozent Menschenwürde - Zusammen gegen Rassismus" (100 percent human dignity - together against racism).

On 21 March, Marlis Tepe, the president of the union, has supported the initiative ‘ Prominent gegen Rassismus’, emphasizing in her address the special responsibility of educators and the need to better support them in this struggle. The union also participated in the production of an education pack providing guidance to teachers willing to tackle racism in the classroom.

The union has a long-standing engagement in this domain: in the 1990s, it supported the establishment of the network " Schule ohne Rassismus – Schule mit Courage", which now encompasses more than 2000 schools.

The ongoing campaign " Schule für alle" initiated in collaboration with Youth without borders, the so-called ‘refugee councils’ and the association Gelbe Hand focuses on the right to education for refugees. A prize competition for students enrolled in vocational education that activate against racism is organized every year.

More information concerning GEW's work against racism is available here(in German).