
David Edwards

David Edwards is the General Secretary of Education International.

Written by David Edwards

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 April 2020

    "World Bank shifts position on funding for most private-for-profit schools", by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    In a sudden and far-reaching policy shift, World Bank President David Malpass has agreed to major reforms that include officially freezing any direct or indirect investments in private for-profit pre-primary, primary and secondary schools. This has been a critical issue for Education International for many years and has been the...

    "World Bank shifts position on funding for most private-for-profit schools", by David Edwards.
  2. Union growth 17 March 2020

    “COVID-19: educators and unions stand united and mobilise”, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    Today, teachers and education support personnel, union leaders the world over are coming together in myriad ways to find collective solutions to address the needs of their students, colleagues and communities despite enormous challenges and deteriorating situations.

    “COVID-19: educators and unions stand united and mobilise”, by David Edwards.
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 February 2020

    “PISA, well-being, and teacher unions”, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    Many of the headlines when the OECD releases its PISA reports focus on country rankings. While we have consistently critiqued the league table approach there is much in these reports that is useful to educators and their unions.

    “PISA, well-being, and teacher unions”, by David Edwards.
  4. Climate action and literacy 23 December 2019

    "On life and the market", by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    From an early age, we try to fit children into the world. Instead, perhaps, we should reflect on how the world should fit children.

    "On life and the market", by David Edwards.
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 December 2019

    “Global Refugee Forum: time for immediate and sustainable action”, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    The refugee Convention of 1951 was born out of the profound feeling of shame following the Second World War due to the failure to respond to and receive those fleeing the Holocaust. That action of inaction condemned many to become its victims. Lest we forget, that Convention and the 1967...

    “Global Refugee Forum: time for immediate and sustainable action”, by David Edwards.
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 October 2019

    “Education – Changing the World”, by David Edwards

    David Edwards

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF/FCE) devoted the most recent edition of its magazine, “Perspectives” to education and democracy. It covers the challenges to democracy in Canada, North America and the world. It also reports on education initiatives that have been developed in Canada to support and re-enforce democratic values and...

    “Education – Changing the World”, by David Edwards
  7. Leading the profession 3 October 2019

    “Nothing about us without us: educators take the lead on professional teaching standards”, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    One of the most consequential debates and decisions of our 8th World Congress was on professional teaching standards. Congress passed a resolution supporting the implementation of a joint EI/UNESCO framework on the development of professional teaching standards where it is clear that teachers’ unions must be at the centre of...

    “Nothing about us without us: educators take the lead on professional teaching standards”, by David Edwards.
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 September 2019

    “Governments, Fulfil Your Promises: Make Climate Change Education Universal Now!”, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    It was a historic moment when in 2015 UN member states adopted a progressive agenda for a better world, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Central to the SDGs was the important (albeit overdue) recognition that social and economic development cannot be pursued without taking into account their environmental impact. That...

    “Governments, Fulfil Your Promises: Make Climate Change Education Universal Now!”, by David Edwards.
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 September 2019

    “Education on the International Day of Democracy”, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    The United Nations established the International Day of Democracy on the 15th of September in 2007 to promote democracy. In 2019, it is clear that democracy and all the things that go with it like human rights and rule of law need to be defended as well as promoted. Education...

    “Education on the International Day of Democracy”, by David Edwards.
  10. Democracy 28 August 2019

    “G20: no long-lasting change without education”, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    The G20 Labour and Employment Ministerial meeting here in Japan is an opportunity to reflect. EI and other Global Unions are participating in the Labour 20 – L20 which represents the interests of workers at the G20 level. It importantly unites trade unions across G20 countries and our Global Union...

    “G20: no long-lasting change without education”, by David Edwards.
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 22 July 2019

    “Our Mandate”, by David Edwards

    David Edwards

    Being elected General Secretary of EI is a great honour. It is a challenge to live up to the confidence that has been given by the representatives of education workers from all regions of the world. It is also comforting to join that small team of talented leaders elected on...

    “Our Mandate”, by David Edwards
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 July 2019

    #OffTrack #0: Educators Assess Progress Towards SDG 4, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    In 2015, governments committed to achieve inclusive, equitable, quality education for all by 2030 (Sustainable Development Goal 4, SDG 4). Four years later, the world is severely off track to achieve the goal. This mini blog series illustrates some of the many obstacles to the achievement of SDG 4, from...

    #OffTrack #0: Educators Assess Progress Towards SDG 4, by David Edwards.
  13. Union growth 20 June 2019

    “World Refugee Day: Stop Fencing out Democracy”, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    In her 1948 speech concluding the work of the nascent UN Commission on Human Rights, Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Democracy, freedom, human rights have come to have a definite meaning to the people of the world which we must not allow any nation to so change that they are made synonymous...

    “World Refugee Day: Stop Fencing out Democracy”, by David Edwards.
  14. Equity and inclusion 11 June 2019

    “Prohibiting violence and harassment in the world of work”, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    More than 800 million women have experienced some form of violence and harassment, ranging from physical assault to verbal abuse, bullying and intimidation. #MeToo and similar movements have helped expose the scale of the problem in the world of work, encouraging women to speak out and demand justice. Whilst women...

    “Prohibiting violence and harassment in the world of work”, by David Edwards.
  15. Democracy 22 May 2019

    “Attacks on democracy and teachers in Italy”, by David Edwards,

    David Edwards

    Extreme Right parties, often populist and nationalist, have become stronger than in any time since the Second World War. We have witnessed a return of racist, xenophobic and authoritarian policies and politics on all continents of the world.

    “Attacks on democracy and teachers in Italy”, by David Edwards,
  16. Union growth 25 April 2019

    “Let’s spark a global discussion on copyright exceptions for education and research!”, by David Edwards

    David Edwards

    Today it’s World Intellectual Property Day – a good day to remind us that it’s time to reform copyright law. We need action to change copyright systems that are hindering free expression and failing to promote diverse and prosperous societies for the benefit of all.

    “Let’s spark a global discussion on copyright exceptions for education and research!”, by David Edwards
  17. Leading the profession 2 April 2019

    "Education should not be a waiting room for life", by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    “It is often argued that the purpose of early childhood education is to prepare children for school, so that schools, in turn, can prepare children for adulthood and for the work force. This approach reduces childhood to a waiting room.” -- Steffen Handal, President, Education Union of Norway (UEN).

    "Education should not be a waiting room for life", by David Edwards.
  18. Leading the profession 25 March 2019

    “Finland leads the way”, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    Sometimes it appears that hope is draining from the world and that, for both young and old, pessimism is becoming the default position. The trouble with pessimism is that it is negative. It annuls the ability to act; to create something better which benefits future generations. I believe that education...

    “Finland leads the way”, by David Edwards.