David Edwards

David Edwards is the General Secretary of Education International.
Democracy is threatened from within in many countries where authoritarian, often populist and nationalist forces have gained ground. Institutions of democracy have been attacked. The Philippines is one such country.
“Time to shine a bright light on and act in the Philippines”, by David Edwards, Anthony Bellanger, and Ambet YusonHumanity is faced with many threats including climate change and threats to the environment. A vision is needed for these problems to be solved. Changing lifestyles and consumption habits can contribute to solving these problems but at the heart of helping humanity to survive is education, training and research.
“Success comes only to those countries that invest in education”, by Olli Luukkainen and David Edwards.Student mobilisation on climate change is a strong call on democracy to deliver for the planet. It is a rejection of “climate deniers”, but also of “business as usual.” Its ultimate success will depend on expanding the mobilisation while graduating from protest to politics, including by linking lower carbon emissions...
"Students and Climate Change: A Lesson in Global Citizenship", by David EdwardsCritical questions on the Bank’s new classroom observation tool, Teach.
“Is the World Bank taking the right approach to ensure #successfulteachers?”, by David EdwardsLife-long learning means different things to different people. However, some common principles for lifelong learning are essential for a global consensus on a human-centred agenda for the future of work.
Work with a human face, by David EdwardsThe 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights is an occasion to be inspired by its principles and its origin. It is an opportunity for trade unionists and educators to reflect on its values and the aspirations it represents and to stand up, speak out and act. It...
#UDHR70 - "On Dignity: Reflections on the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights", by David EdwardsThe Human Capital Index is a measurement tool created by the World Bank to influence countries to invest more in health and education. With increased education financing a longstanding key demand of Education International and so crucial to achieve SDG4, one might wonder why I am sceptical about this index?...
"What’s wrong with the World Bank’s Human Capital Index?", by David EdwardsWorld Teachers Day is an ideal moment to reflect on the status of the world’s teachers. Today, Education International will release its triennial report on this very issue. Education is at the centre of improvements to living standards and quality of life, yet we now increasingly face pressures and threats...
“The Global Status of teachers and the Teaching Profession”, by David EdwardsIn quality education systems around the world, behind student success there are invisible armies of education support personnel (ESP). These under-recognised workers are too often forgotten or ignored, but are absolutely vital for student success and wellbeing.
Celebrating education’s unsung heroes, by David Edwards