Carol Anne Spreen

Carol Anne Spreen is a professor of International Education at New York University. Her policy and advocacy work focus on issues of education rights, school reform, and educational inequality both domestically and internationally. Her research is on issues of equity and social justice through rights-based advocacy and teaching in the US, Southern Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. Over the last two decades she has served as a researcher for several progressive education reform centers: School Redesign Network (SRN), National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools and Teaching (NCREST), Center for Research and Evaluation on Standards and Student Testing (CRESST), and North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL). Her current research focuses on teacher’s lives and work, the impact of privatization and standardized testing on public education, and using participatory/action research to study the long term impact poverty in urban and rural communities on educational access and outcomes. She serves as a “Critical Friend” for Education International, the umbrella organization for the world’s teacher unions and a Visiting Professor at the University of Johannesburg. Carol Anne has taught or worked across every level of education - from a bi-lingual kindergarten teacher in Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago, to university professor at the University of Maryland, the University of Virginia and the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa. She received her Ph.D. in Comparative and International Education in 2001 from Teachers College, Columbia University, M.Ed. in Instructional Leadership from the University of Illinois - Chicago and BA in International development and education from American University.
Learning does not begin when a child enters school. It is widely known that from birth to age five the brain develops more rapidly than at any other stage of life, and it is also most sensitive to influences from the external environment (such as cognitive stimulation, language development, care,...
#WDR2018 Reality Check #16: Early Childhood Education, Poverty and Privatization: Why is ECE so important and underfunded in World Bank policy? By Carol Anne SpreenThe report co-authored by Kamat S., Spreen C.A. and Jonnalagadda I. lays out the broad underpinnings of the corporate interests in for-profit education and how these efforts undermine public education as a fundamental human right.
In this issue we bring together scholars, educators and advocates who have been working with EI in a global anti-privatisation effort. These scholars are working around the world to raise awareness about how and why education is being placed in the hands of corporations or “edu-preneurs”, instead of educators. The...
Selling out the Right to Quality Public Education for All