

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 May 2014

    Global action week: equal rights for children with disabilities

    Children with disabilities are more likely to be out of school than any other group of children. The Global Campaign for Education’s action week from 4-10 May 2014 aims to challenge the exclusion faced by disabled children in realising their right to education.

    Global action week: equal rights for children with disabilities
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 February 2014

    Remarks of Fred van Leeuwen, Education International's General Secretary, at the International Conference of the Israel Teachers Union and Education International, 9-11 February 2014

    Thank you very much for that kind introduction. General Secretary Wasserman, distinguished presenters, guests and colleagues: I am very pleased to be here with you at a pivotal time in the global discussion and decision-making about education and the future.

    Remarks of Fred van Leeuwen, Education International's General Secretary, at the International Conference of the Israel Teachers Union and Education International, 9-11 February 2014
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 November 2013

    Education International’s statement at the 37th General Conference of UNESCO-Paris, 11 November 2013

    Madam Director-General, Madam Chair of the Executive Board, Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, Education International is pleased to join UNESCO and its member states in debating and defining the future of education. As the UN’s lead agency for education, science and culture, UNESCO is strategically positioned to promote and champion...

    Education International’s statement at the 37th General Conference of UNESCO-Paris, 11 November 2013
  4. Equity and inclusion 11 October 2013

    Message by Fred van Leeuwen, General Secretary of Education International, on the occasion of the International Day of the Girl Child, 11 October 2013

    The International Day of the Girl Child was celebrated for the first time in 2012 as a way of promoting girls’ human rights and focusing attention on the many challenges faced by girl children all over the world. Education International (EI) welcomes this year’s theme to mark Girl Child Day:...

    Message by Fred van Leeuwen, General Secretary of Education International, on the occasion of the International Day of the Girl Child, 11 October 2013
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 3 October 2013

    “Instead of sending soldiers, send teachers”

    In war, dedicated teachers are on the front lines of the battle for hope and equality. Facing harrowing conditions, teachers are often unsupported in responding to the pleas of children and parents for access to meaningful education. The international community must also support these teachers and their students' right to...

    “Instead of sending soldiers, send teachers”
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 August 2013

    Quality education is a public good and a basic human right

    I have written and spoken these words many times across the world as part of Education International’s continuing 20-year mission advocating for the teacher training and the teaching tools and the learning environments to provide quality education to every student.

    Quality education is a public good and a basic human right