Trade union rights are human rights 23 July 2004 Resolution on Nepal
Resolution on Nepal -
Union growth 28 July 2001 Resolution on Solidarity with SUTEP and the Peruvian People for having defeated the dictatorship of Fujimori and Montesinos
Resolution on Solidarity with SUTEP and the Peruvian People for having defeated the dictatorship of Fujimori and Montesinos -
Union growth 28 July 2001 Resolution on the Situation in Burma
Resolution on the Situation in Burma -
Trade union rights are human rights 28 July 2001 Resolution on the Imprisonment of Education Trade Union Leaders in Korea
Resolution on the Imprisonment of Education Trade Union Leaders in Korea -
Trade union rights are human rights 28 July 2001 Resolution on the Situation in Nepal
Resolution on the Situation in Nepal -
Union growth 28 July 2001 Resolution on Trafficking in Women, Girls and Boys
Resolution on Trafficking in Women, Girls and Boys -
Trade union rights are human rights 28 July 2001 Resolution on the Situation of Colombian Educators
Resolution on the Situation of Colombian Educators -
Union growth 28 July 2001 Resolution on the Situation in Algeria
Resolution on the Situation in Algeria -
Union growth 28 July 2001 Resolution on the International Labour Organisation, the World Trade Organisation and the Globalisation of the Economy
Resolution on the International Labour Organisation, the World Trade Organisation and the Globalisation of the Economy -
Leading the profession 28 July 2001 Resolution on Educating in a global economy
Resolution on Educating in a global economy -
Union growth 28 July 2001 Resolution on the Situation in Afghanistan
Resolution on the Situation in Afghanistan -
Trade union rights are human rights 28 July 1998 Resolution on Health Promotion and School Health
Resolution on Health Promotion and School Health -
Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 July 1998 Resolution on the International Labour Organisation, the World Trade Organisation and the Globalisation of the Economy
Resolution on the International Labour Organisation, the World Trade Organisation and the Globalisation of the Economy -
Trade union rights are human rights 28 July 1998 Resolution on Trade Union Rights in Korea
Resolution on Trade Union Rights in Korea -
Trade union rights are human rights 28 July 1998 Resolution on Environmentally Sustainable Development
Resolution on Environmentally Sustainable Development -
Trade union rights are human rights 28 July 1998 Resolution on the Situation in Algeria
Resolution on the Situation in Algeria -
Trade union rights are human rights 28 July 1998 Resolution on the Societal Alienation of Children Due to "Kokoro-No-Are" (Emotional and Mental Stress)
Resolution on the Societal Alienation of Children Due to "Kokoro-No-Are" (Emotional and Mental Stress) -
Union growth 28 July 1998 Resolution on the 50th Anniversary of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and of ILO Convention 87, Concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise
Resolution on the 50th Anniversary of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and of ILO Convention 87, Concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise