
Education International
Education International

New ETUCE Project: Development of teacher unions’ expertise on exiting the crisis through quality education

published 13 January 2014 updated 15 January 2014

In December 2013, a new ETUCE project was launched to tackle the issue of ‘Developing teacher unions’ expertise on exiting the crisis through quality education’, with the objective of addressing the global EU policy aim of exiting from the crisis through improved expertise in industrial relations and social dialogue.

The project consists of a comparative case study analysis to be conducted in 5 crisis-affected countries: Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain. Project partners from these countries are: OLME (Greece), TUI (Ireland), FLC-CGIL (Italy), FNE (Portugal) and FECCOO (Spain). Their representatives constitute the project Advisory Group. In the occasion of their first meeting in December they shared the need and willingness to enhance their mutual expertise through the identification and exchange of good practices put in place by teacher unions to face the effects of the crisis in the 5 hardest-hit countries.

For an innovative implementation of the project, one of the project products is a film enabling all ETUCE members to share and spread the gathered information. The film can be seen as an important tool to give a real and clear picture of the difficult living and working conditions of people who are still hit by the crisis; and to highlight what can be done by showing teacher unions’ responses to addressing the crisis’ harsh consequences.

The film will be presented at the final project Conference in October 2014, where the results from best-practice findings and case studies will be shared. The project Conference will include a hearing on the future of quality education in Europe with the participation of members and of representatives of the European Parliament and of the European Commission.