
Human and Trade Union Rights

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 4 December 2018

    Iran: Teachers imprisoned for participating in peaceful strike actions

    Confronted with the worsening situation of Iranian educator activists, Education International continues its fight to see jailed education union leaders and members freed, and reiterates its call on its affiliates and concerned citizens around the globe to continue to exert pressure on the Iranian Government to demand the immediate release...

    Iran: Teachers imprisoned for participating in peaceful strike actions
  2. Union growth 3 December 2018

    Increasing funding for inclusive education: a benefit for all, of value to all!, by Claude Carroué

    Cheerful pupils, playing in the playground, taking turns on a swing, in the shelter of pre-fabricated buildings currently used by several classes until new buildings under construction are operational. At the school in Bempt, in the Brussels Region commune of Forest, the enthusiasm for a school focussed on the inclusion...

    Increasing funding for inclusive education: a benefit for all, of value to all!, by Claude Carroué
  3. Union growth 29 November 2018

    Philippines: Illegal detention of human rights defenders

    Education International has strongly condemned the illegal arrest and detention of the members of a solidarity mission with Lumad schools in the municipality of Talaingod, in Davao del Norte.

    Philippines: Illegal detention of human rights defenders
  4. Equity and inclusion 26 November 2018

    A new toolkit to bring more inclusion into education

    Education International has developed a new toolkit for educators and education unions who work with migrant and refugee children to make the right to quality education a reality for all.

    A new toolkit to bring more inclusion into education
  5. Standards and working conditions 31 October 2018

    Education trade union community strongly condemns the persecution of educators in Brazil

    Education International fully supports its Brazilian affiliate, the Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Educação, in its denunciation of a newly elected parliamentarian’s attempt to shackle teachers’ freedom of speech.

    Education trade union community strongly condemns the persecution of educators in Brazil
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 19 October 2018

    Bahraini education unionist Jalila al Salman given EI’s Mary Hatwood Futrell Award

    Education International’s Executive Board has named Jalila al Salman, a lifelong teacher and trade unionist who has dedicated her life to education, and to representing teachers in Bahrain, as the recipient of the Mary Hatwood Futrell Human and Trade Union Rights Prize for her outstanding engagement and courage in promoting...

    Bahraini education unionist Jalila al Salman given EI’s Mary Hatwood Futrell Award
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 18 October 2018

    Education unionists add their voice in defence of freedom of expression

    Education International has joined the International Federation of Journalists and supported the calls made by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet urging the Governments of Saudi Arabia and Turkey to investigate the disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

    Education unionists add their voice in defence of freedom of expression
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 17 October 2018

    Iran: Solidarity with trade union leaders arrested after teachers’ strike

    Education International is deeply concerned by local reports indicating that Iranian public authorities responded to a nationwide strike of teachers and education support personnel in primary and secondary schools by expelling teachers from schools and arresting education union leaders.

    Iran: Solidarity with trade union leaders arrested after teachers’ strike
  9. Union growth 9 October 2018

    25 Lessons on Education and Democracy

    On the occasion of World Teachers Day, October 5th, Education International presented ‘25 Lessons on Education and Democracy’. The 25 lessons learned are linked to the 25 years of the existence of Education International.

    25 Lessons on Education and Democracy
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 13 September 2018

    Argentina: Teachers Face Torture and Threats

    Education International firmly condemns the attack on a teacher in Argentina.

    Argentina: Teachers Face Torture and Threats
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 29 August 2018

    Free teacher unionist Mohammed Habibi!

    Education International (EI) launches a LabourStart campaign to request the immediate and unconditional release of Mohammed Habibi and the respect of trade union rights in Iran.

    Free teacher unionist Mohammed Habibi!
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 23 August 2018

    #EI25: “When Ordinary People Demand Justice”, by Lily Eskelsen García

    Lily Eskelsen García

    Sometimes what touches us at an international meeting isn’t what’s on the agenda. It’s what was outside on the street. Sometimes it’s the crushing courage of tiny, fragile grandmothers who would not be stopped and who serve as an example to all social justice activists of what we are called...

    #EI25: “When Ordinary People Demand Justice”, by Lily Eskelsen García
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 13 July 2018

    Brazil: trade union’s resistance to attacks on education

    The Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Educação has been successful in pushing back a bill in the Brazilian Parliament that would prevent the expression of any political, ideological, or partisan ideas in classrooms.

    Brazil: trade union’s resistance to attacks on education
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 10 July 2018

    Colombia: stop the wave of violence and harassment targeting education unionists!

    Education International supports its affiliate, the Federación Colombiana de Educadores, in denouncing and firmly condemning assassinations and threats targeting Colombian educators, trade unionists, and social leaders.

    Colombia: stop the wave of violence and harassment targeting education unionists!
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 5 June 2018

    ILC 2018: EI makes the case for ensuring quality, non-discriminatory and non-violent work environments

    At this year’s International Labour Conference, Education International has reaffirmed the need for providing all workers, in particular, those in education, with respectful work places that ensure equality and non-discrimination, as well as social dialogue, in order to achieve quality education for all.

    ILC 2018: EI makes the case for ensuring quality, non-discriminatory and non-violent work environments
  16. Trade union rights are human rights 24 May 2018

    Iran: Campaign to free jailed teacher unionists gathers pace

    Education International has called for the release of Iranian teacher unionists Mohammad Habibi and Esmail Abdi, while global human rights organisation Amnesty International has also called for Abdi’s release as a prisoner of conscience.

    Iran: Campaign to free jailed teacher unionists gathers pace