
Articles from Ukraine

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 May 2018

    Go for it! The Bologna ministerial summit in Paris, by Andreas Keller

    Andreas Keller

    Isn’ it ironic? 50 years ago, in May 1968, students in Paris were going to the barricades and aspiring to a societal revolution – and initiated an overdue reform of higher education almost throughout Europe eventually. Today, in May 2018, ministers in charge of higher education from 48 countries belonging...

    Go for it! The Bologna ministerial summit in Paris, by Andreas Keller
  2. Equity and inclusion 15 March 2018

    “What Europe can do for refugees and migrants’ education” by Silvia Costa MEP

    Silvia Costa

    Refugees and migrants education, especially minors, is a top priority, the best way to empower them and foster their integration, but also one of the principles on which the EU is funded. It is incredible, though, that education of migrants - especially forced migrants and refugees - seems to be...

    “What Europe can do for refugees and migrants’ education” by Silvia Costa MEP
  3. Standards and working conditions 7 June 2017

    Ukraine: education unionists deepen commitment to a values-based education

    Interactive activities, lively discussions and stirring speeches set the tone for a professional development workshop that brought together teacher union activists from all over Ukraine to explore ways of relaying democratic values in their teaching practice.

    Ukraine: education unionists deepen commitment to a values-based education
  4. Union growth 1 May 2017

    This May Day, why not try solidarity?

    As the occasion to celebrate and reaffirm the value and values of trade unions, from which their principles continue to inspire, today must also serve as a lens to carefully examine our societies and institutions.

    This May Day, why not try solidarity?
  5. Union renewal and development 1 October 2015

    Ukraine: International solidarity helps union build new HQ

    The Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine has officially moved in to its new offices, built thanks to Education International’s Solidarity Fund, to which education unions worldwide contributed.

    Ukraine: International solidarity helps union build new HQ
  6. Union renewal and development 3 March 2015

    New union headquarters a sign of hope for Ukrainian educators

    With the help of financial solidarity support, educators in Ukraine once again have a home for their trade union and something to celebrate amidst the ongoing conflict that has divided the country.

    New union headquarters a sign of hope for Ukrainian educators
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 5 January 2015

    Ukraine: trade unions give government cuts a resounding ‘thumbs down’

    Over ten thousand trade union members, most of them public sector workers, along with youth groups and students, packed the streets of Kiev to rally against government cuts to social programmes.

    Ukraine: trade unions give government cuts a resounding ‘thumbs down’
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 October 2014

    Ukraine: national protest defends teachers and quality education

    With a united voice, trade unions across various sectors are condemning new regulations that may lead to decreasing teacher salaries, job cuts throughout education, and school closures across Ukraine.

    Ukraine: national protest defends teachers and quality education
  9. Union renewal and development 20 May 2014

    Urgent Action appeal for Ukraine

    EI called upon all their affiliates to support STESU’s rebuilding efforts through the EI Solidarity Fund by sending financial contributions. After their visit in Kiev, EI and ETUCE had agreed to try to help STESU relocate its offices and re-establish communications with its regional and local branches.

    Urgent Action appeal for Ukraine
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 April 2014

    ETUCE Committee adopts the support package to Ukraine

    The ETUCE Committee expressed strong solidarity with the ETUCE members and their affiliates in Ukraine and unanimously supported the call to provide moral, political and financial support to our colleagues.

    ETUCE Committee adopts the support package to Ukraine
  11. Union growth 25 March 2014

    EI mission to Ukraine

    On 4-5 March during a visit of EI/ETUCE representative Kounka Damianova to Kiev, the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine (STESU) made an urgent request that Education International send an international delegation to Kiev.

    EI mission to Ukraine
  12. Union growth 15 March 2014

    Ukraine: A hotline for students and teachers in the Crimea

    The Ukrainian education ministry has established a hotline for teachers and students in the Crimea who may find themselves Russian citizens after the referendum on 16 March. “We get a lot of calls from young people who are very worried about their future”, a deputy education minister told an Education...

    Ukraine: A hotline for students and teachers in the Crimea
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 14 March 2014

    Ukraine: Global unions in solidarity with affected workers

    A delegation from EI visited Kiev from 13-14 March in a show of support for the national teacher unions of Ukraine and the country’s democratic movement. Led by EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen, the delegation was composed of teacher union leaders from Bulgaria, the United Kingdom, and the United...

    Ukraine: Global unions in solidarity with affected workers
  14. Union growth 4 March 2014

    EI Member Organisation in Ukraine calls for Peace and Democracy

    The following report was provided by TUESW, the major teachers’ organisation in Ukraine. It issued a statement on the current situation which is also published below.

    EI Member Organisation in Ukraine calls for Peace and Democracy
  15. Union growth 28 February 2014

    Ukraine: EI’s European Region calls for action to restore unions

    Last Sunday, Kiev's Independence Square turned into a giant memorial complex, as people gathered in thousands to honour the dozens of people who were killed in clashes between demonstrators and the police forces. EI and the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE), has expressed its solidarity for its Ukrainian...

    Ukraine: EI’s European Region calls for action to restore unions
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 November 2013

    Ukraine: trade union demands better living and working conditions for educators

    The Free Trade Union of Education and Science of Ukraine (VPONU), one of EI’s national affiliates, has shown its support for Ukraine’s signing of an Association Agreement with the European Union (EU).

    Ukraine: trade union demands better living and working conditions for educators