
Education International
Education International

Advisory Panel meeting: It is necessary to support the Ukrainian teachers in needs

published 25 March 2014 updated 26 March 2014

On 17 March 2014, the Advisory Panel members met in Brussels, representing education experts of teacher’s trade unions from 9 countries.

The current situation in Ukraine was discussed. Martin Rømer, European director reported about the special EI/ETUCE delegation in Ukraine of 12-13 March, which discussed with the political and education authorities in the country about the situation of the teachers in general and about the teacher’s trade unions in Ukraine in the light if the conflict in Crimea.

The Advisory Panel also discussed about the High-level proposal of Social Partners to the European Commission on strengthening the role of social partners in education and training policy. The OECD PIAAC results and the activities of the new European Commission’s Thematic Working Groups were presented.

The Public consultation on the investment provisions of a future EU-US trade deal, known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) was reported to the members. The Advisory Panel approved the joint ETUC-ETUCE position on the public consultation on European Area of Skills and Qualifications.

Concerning the ongoing United for Quality Education campaign, the members agreed that it is necessary to improve quality teaching by national actions. Social dialogue should be ensured in the process.

The next Advisory Panel meeting will take place in Brussels in October 2014.