
Worlds of Education

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  1. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 September 2016

    Don’t Play with Our Future: How Education as Competition Fails the Public

    By Frank Adamson, The Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education In Unleashing Greatness: Nine Plays to Spark Innovation in Education , the authors invoke the metaphor of the sports “playbook,” promoting an agenda of competition throughout their recommendations. Unfortunately, competition produces both winners and losers. The Yankees can improve...

    Don’t Play with Our Future: How Education as Competition Fails the Public
  2. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 September 2016

    Don’t Play with Our Future: How Education as Competition Fails the Public

    By Frank Adamson, The Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education In Unleashing Greatness: Nine Plays to Spark Innovation in Education , the authors invoke the metaphor of the sports “playbook,” promoting an agenda of competition throughout their recommendations. Unfortunately, competition produces both winners and losers. The Yankees can improve...

    Don’t Play with Our Future: How Education as Competition Fails the Public
  3. Fighting the commercialisation of education 9 September 2016

    Beware False Profits of Easy Learning

    By Stephen Dinham, University of Melbourne, Australia Television shopping channels and online selling are dominated by products that promise much. Lose weight with a miracle diet, get a perfect body with only a few minutes of daily exercise using some piece of equipment, clean your bathroom in seconds, vacuum the...

    Beware False Profits of Easy Learning
  4. Fighting the commercialisation of education 19 August 2016

    South Africa: The Size and Shape of Private Education

    By Salim Vally, University of Johannesburg Twenty two years since the first democratic elections in South Africa, the combined weight of apartheid’s legacy exacerbated by neo-liberal policies over the past two decades has meant that the promise of a quality public education system remains a chimera. While a mélange of...

    South Africa: The Size and Shape of Private Education
  5. Fighting the commercialisation of education 4 August 2016

    Replacing Bibles with Tablets

    By Graham Brown-Martin  Is any education better than none?

    Replacing Bibles with Tablets
  6. Fighting the commercialisation of education 3 August 2016

    Don’t Believe What it Says on the Can: Another Formula to ‘Reform’ Education

    By Stephen Dinham,University of Melbourne, Australia Yet another report has been released promising a plan to transform education. The latest, this time from Michael Barber and Joel Klein, two well-known players in the ‘global education reform movement’ (Sahlberg, 2014), is positioned as a white paper or as they call it,...

    Don’t Believe What it Says on the Can: Another Formula to ‘Reform’ Education
  7. Fighting the commercialisation of education 18 July 2016

    Privatisation Undermines the Right to Education in India

    By Carol Anne Spreen, New York University & Sangeeta Kamat, University of Massachusettes, Amherst Private for-profit multinational corporations are making billions of dollars by charging poor families around the world to send their children to school. At the same time, governments have been shirking their obligations to provide quality public...

    Privatisation Undermines the Right to Education in India
  8. Fighting the commercialisation of education 13 July 2016

    Safeguarding Education against its Commercialisation

    by Kishore Singh, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education Education is a fundamental human right for every child and its provision is a core public function of the State. However, education as a public function of the State is being eroded by market-driven approaches and the rapid...

    Safeguarding Education against its Commercialisation
  9. Fighting the commercialisation of education 17 June 2016

    Bridge International Academies adds fear and intimidation to its business strategy

    By Angelo Gavrielatos, Project Director Global Response, Education International The flailing reputation of the Pearson-backed ‘edu-business’ has fallen to a new low after it was caught spreading false accusations to have a Canadian academic researcher jailed while studying its Ugandan operations.

    Bridge International Academies adds fear and intimidation to its business strategy