

  1. Standards and working conditions

    Forward to School: Guidance, Considerations and Resources for and from Education Unions to Inform Decision-Making in Times of Covid-19

    30 July 2020

    Forward to School provides a wealth of resources to inform the response of education unions in this next stage of the Covid-19 education crisis. It features information, research and, most importantly, examples of union actions in more than 50 countries across all regions.

    Forward to School: Guidance, Considerations and Resources for and from Education Unions to Inform Decision-Making in Times of Covid-19
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  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

    A Review of Technology in Teaching and Learning

    Alison Egan

    30 June 2020

    The objective of this review is to outline current thinking on the role of technology in education. This paper was written before the global Covid -19 pandemic that forced an “online pivot” in educational settings. The “wicked problem” of technology integration in education is now a significant concern for many...

    A Review of Technology in Teaching and Learning
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  3. Standards and working conditions

    EI Guidance to Reopening Schools and Education Institutions

    30 April 2020

    With schools and education institutions closed in a majority of countries, there are critical issues for governments to take into consideration, as countries gradually begin to re-open early childhood institutions, schools and higher education institutions. It is imperative that governments communicate transparently and continuously about the plans for reopening onsite...

    EI Guidance to Reopening Schools and Education Institutions
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  4. Standards and working conditions

    Guiding principles on the COVID-19 pandemic

    27 March 2020

    The following principles and recommendations should guide the responses of education unions, governments and partners to COVID-19.

    Guiding principles on the COVID-19 pandemic
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  5. COVID-19: Education unions stand united and mobilise

    Thinking about Pedagogy in an Unfolding Pandemic

    Armand Doucet, Dr. Deborah M. Netolicky, Koen Timmers, Francis Jim Tuscano

    20 March 2020

    Independent report on approaches to distance learning during the COVID-19 school closures written to inform the work of Education International and UNESCO. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is causing various levels of disruptions in education globally. At this current date (March 29th), UNESCO has 165 countries announcing school closures in an...

    Thinking about Pedagogy in an Unfolding Pandemic
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  6. Equity and inclusion

    Gender Equality Action Plan 2020 – 2023

    1 January 2020

    The EI Gender Equality Action Plan is a framework, which will enable Education International and its member organisations to translate education unions’ policies, rhetoric and activities relating to gender equality into action.

    Gender Equality Action Plan 2020 – 2023
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  7. Equity and inclusion

    Strategies to end school-related gender-based violence

    The experience of education unions in Africa

    22 December 2019

    The issue of gender-based violence in and around schools and other educational settings is particularly important to education unions and their members. Since everyone in schools – teachers, students, support personnel - can be perpetrator and victim, SRGBV is a violation of both the right to quality education and the...

    Strategies to end school-related gender-based violence
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  8. Equity and inclusion

    Working to end school related gender based violence

    Writings by representatives of education unions from Eastern, West and Southern Africa

    22 December 2019

    The Education International (EI) initiative Education Unions take Action to End School Related Gender Based Violence, is part of more than 30 years of international advocacy to advance gender equality in education and in unions.

    Working to end school related gender based violence
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  9. Equity and inclusion

    Trabalhando para acabar com a violência de género no âmbito escolar

    Escritos dos representantes de sindicatos da educação da África Oriental, Ocidental e Austral

    21 December 2019

    A iniciativa “Sindicatos da Educação Intervêm para Acabar com a Violência de Género no Âmbito Escolar” da Internacional da Educação1 (EI), faz parte de um processo de mais de 30 anos de advocacia internacional com vista à promoção da igualdade de género na educação e nos sindicatos.

    Trabalhando para acabar com a violência de género no âmbito escolar
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  10. Equity and inclusion

    Estratégias para acabar com a violência de género no âmbito escolar

    A experiência dos sindicatos da educação em África

    21 December 2019

    A Violência de Género no Âmbito Escolar (VGAE), nomeadamente, nas escolas, nos seus arredores e noutros contextos educacionais, consiste num problema de particular importância para os sindicatos do sector da educação e seus membros.

    Estratégias para acabar com a violência de género no âmbito escolar
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  11. Leading the profession

    Global framework of professional teaching standards

    Jointly developed by Education International and UNESCO

    4 November 2019

    The joint Education International/ UNESCO framework on the development of professional teaching standards aims to improve teacher quality, teaching and learning, as well as support the implementation and monitoring of the teacher target in the Education 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and specifically Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4).

    Global framework of professional teaching standards
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  12. Fighting the commercialisation of education

    An education union guide to copyrights and copywrongs in education and research

    28 August 2019

    Copyright laws around the world are being changed to accommodate the digital environment. It is essential that education unions take an active role in copyright reforms to ensure that teachers and researchers are not deprived of their rights to use and build upon creative works for teaching, learning and research.

    An education union guide to copyrights and copywrongs in education and research
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  13. Democracy

    On Education & Democracy: 25 Lessons from the Teaching Profession

    Fred van Leeuwen, Susan Hopgood

    15 July 2019

    On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Education International, which currently brings together the national education unions of 170 countries representing 32.5 million educators and education support staff, we have selected 25 lessons which educators and their organisations have learnt throughout history on education and democracy.

    On Education & Democracy: 25 Lessons from the Teaching Profession
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  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

    An educator's guide to the World Development Report 2018

    1 June 2018

    The World Bank, as well as being one of the biggest funders of education programmes, is a hugely influential provider of technical advice to education ministries around the world.

    An educator's guide to the World Development Report 2018
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  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

    Reality check: The Bank’s 2018 World Development Report on Education

    17 April 2018

    The World Bank's 2018 World Development Report on Education, Learning to Realise Education’s Promise (WDR), concluded with three recommended strategies - assess learning, act on evidence and align actors. Over the past six months, Education International has brought together teacher union leaders, academics and activists in a series of blogs...

    Reality check: The Bank’s 2018 World Development Report on Education
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